Sunday 29 November 2015

Frog creature

Frog creature mood board

                                                           Frog creature sketch one

Frog creature sketch two

Frog creature sketch three

                                                     Frog creature final design outline

Frog creature final design with colour

Frog creature final design with texture and effects

Futuristic tank

Futuristic tank mood board

                                                    Futuristic tank design with shadow

Futuristic room

Futuristic room mood board

                                                                     Original design

                                                              Futuristic room outline
                                                         Futuristic room with colour

                                              Futuristic room with textures and effects

Tentacle creature

Tentacle moodboard

                                                               sketch design one 

                                                                 sketch design two

Final tentacle design outline

Final tentacle design with colour

Final tentacle design with textures and effects

Zombie design

 original character design 

                                                             My zombie character design                       
                                                               Final design on model

lava creature

Lava creatures moodboard
                                                                  Creature design 1
                                                                Creature design 2
                                                                Creature design 3
                                                                     Final design 

                                                             Final design with lava

Sunday 18 October 2015

8bit Robot Toy Design

For my 8bit toy I chose a traditional 1950's robot toy for the design. I used blues and reds similar to the original colours used.

   Adding it to the scene

I recreated the robot into the scene adding some shading and then resized it to fit in with the other toys.


Futuristic Gun Designs

Futuristic Guns - Mood Board
These are some of my favourite futuristic guns from movies and games such as star wars, steam- punk and fallout.  I took certain elements from these such as scopes, silencers , cooling grids and clips and merged them into my weapon designs.

Weapon 1 -  Plasma Ray

This weapon use plasma which charges up and shoots in bursts. On the front it has a radiation dish which helps with cooling.
The Plasma cores are connected at the front which helps with quick reloading.  It also has a magnifying scope for precise accuracy.

 Weapon 2 - Laser Rifle                       

This weapon uses laser energy and because of this it needs a lot of cooling vents.   Similar to weapon one, it has a core at the front which allows for quick reload, and as it is using laser energy it has multiple pipes connecting the laser energy through the gun.  It has a shoulder grip to help stabilise when aiming.  It has a long range magnify scope with laser pointer.

                                               Weapon 3 - Alien Dark Matter Ray(Ray Gun)

This weapon is of alien origin.  It uses dark matter as its main power source.  I based this design on ray guns portrayed in early sci-fi films.  It has two viewing screens that allows you to see how much dark matter is in the weapon. It has a grip at the front for stabilising the weapon and a light which glows when gun is ready to reload, this is done by pressing the button on the back.

Weapon 4 - Sound Energy Gun

This weapon uses sound waves to inflict damage on its enemies,  it has a dial which allows you to change the frequency of the sound wave to increase possible amount of damage it can do per shot.  It also has a counter which show how many shots are available until reload, It will automatically reload when required.  When reloading a light on top will flash on and off until done.

Final Weapon Design
I chose weapon two as my final design as it had the most detail and was my favourite.  I recreated it in photoshop.  I ensured that the lines where straight and measurements where correct and I added colour and gold trimmings to give it its unique style.

Elf and dwarf designs

These are my Elf and Dwarf designs   The elf is very, tall and slim where as the dwarf is short, stout and muscular. The elf has a bow as these are there usual weapons in fantasy stories and the dwarf has an axe as these are commonly used by dwarfs.

Crustacean Monsters

Mood Board on Crustaceans

These are some of the images that I used for design ideas.  I took elements from each crustacean and added them to my designs.

                                                         Crustacean Monster Designs

These are the rough outlines of my crustacean monster designs.  I took multiple elements from different crustaceans and blended them together.

Final Monster Designs

These are my final designs , I have added things such as teeth, scales, spikes, eyes, mouths claws and shells.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Game idea designs

One Sheet

This is my one sheet.  It is a sci-fi themed puzzle game with gravity elements.  I have chosen a female character as I feel this will widen my demographic and I think this is the way the industry is going. My demographic will be male and female and my target audience is ages 12 to 24.  This due to difficult jumping puzzles and dark undertones.

Story Board

This describes the beginning scenes of the game which I going to be creating,  it involves corridors, platforms and various scenes in my game such as storage areas,  a power core room and a delivery teleporter.  The setting is Space.

Map of the Level

My map is a top down view of the scene showing all areas in my game. This will help me when I am starting to design it in unity and will also give me a rough view of the level layout.